Clapping to the music!!
No more single digits. My baby girl has now reached the double digits in months. Sophi continues to be my little snuggle bunny. What I thought was a phase, has now developed into something more permanent. I'm okay with that, but it sure makes it hard some nights to get dinner on the stove!! She still doesn't like hugs, but she'll give you plenty of kisses!! Here are some things she is up to:
- Sophi still sleeps 6:30-6:30. Nurses 4 times/day. Eats 3 solid meals.
-Sophi is phasing out baby food and loves all finger foods we have given her, except for mashed potatoes. It's been fun making little bite-size portions for our big girl!
-Sophi still rolls, but army crawls even faster.
-She has started pulling herself up, but would prefer if we just put her to that object standing.
-Sophi can say "Bye-Bye" (with wave) "Dada" "Mum" and "Done"(with sign). I love how she calls me "Mum!"
-Sophi points to everything and says "Dat!" She loves looking at pictures.
-She can clap, raise her hand when we ask, "How big is Sophi?", and bounces to music. We think she'll be a musician of some type. Any music she loves to dance and clap to.
-Sophi loves cats, stuffed or real.
-Sophi loves to scream or squeal in excitement!
I'm sure there are more things she is up to, but I can't think of any at the moment.
I didn't really come up with a New Year's Resolution. I have some goals, but they were made before January. Deric and I have been doing a Game night once a week, however it had to be moved from Mondays to Thursdays due to the Bachelor. :) I'm going to be starting a Purity Small Group starting in March for some of the Jr. High and High School girls at our church. I'm really excited about that!! I've also been taking a cake decorating class at Michaels, trying to finish a little sewing project, scrapbook, work out, all between watching kids full-time! :)
Deric has been busy and has been able to be home earlier lately to spend more time with Sophi before she goes to bed. That's been great to have a little family time every day.
I'm also THRILLED that my brother Justin is getting married to Michelle. Finally he popped the question!! She is such a wonderful woman of God and has really brought out some wonderful qualities in Justin. They are perfect! :)
I hope your new year is starting off wonderfully too!!