Friday, June 20, 2008

It's Friday... I'm bored..

So I've haven't written in awhile and I'm bored so I'm going to list all the things I've been doing:
1. changing dirty diapers
2. going to the chiropractor and getting x-rays, in hopes to get rid of my migraines.
3. finding out my spine is really messed up!
4. stressing on what to get my hubby for our anniversary
5. not wanting to go anywhere bc of the heat, but wanting to go somewhere bc I'm bored.
6. trying to make up 10 things for this list.
7. really dreading packing up our apt. (too much stuff!)
8. praying for a little baby everyday
9. remembering why I hate taking showers
10. watching continuous 24 w/ Deric

If you look at this list, it's pretty low-key. A lot of it is thinking... which is not always bad. I wish eating and thinking didn't always have to go together..
Oh! So if I needed a #11.. it would be: working out for a few minutes and getting tired of the heat!!


Anonymous said...

wait! Are you guys moving?

and 24 is a good show! Like Lost (my all-time fav)

and don't feel dumb about being so bored that you make blog lists. I almost filled out a myspace survey the other day, but then instead read an article on how to teach your kid to tie their shoes. pff.