Monday, January 26, 2009

Childbirth classes

Deric and I have 1 childbirth class left. I must say, I'm glad. Yes, I did learn some things:

1. The placenta is HUGE!!!
2. You can't have a plan for your labor. You never know what will happen, what you'll decide you want, and what you'll need. It's good to know what the different options are (you need to be informed), but that doesn't mean you have to have a strict plan in mind. It will never go as you planned. 
3. A baby's head has soft spots for good reasons.. to make it through your pelvis. 
4. Don't be dehydrated during labor. Keep drinking water/juice or eating ice chips.  
5. Get as much protein and calcium as you can before labor. The uterus is the most important muscle that needs to be the strongest during labor. 

So as you can read, there were some things I got out of the classes.
Here are the things I did not like:
1. The videos. Why must they show a first-time mom videos of women giving birth?? Why is it they only choose to show moms who don't get any drugs? Why is natural the only way to go? Each video gave a detailed description and visual of your body stretching. They can show us 5 min. but seriously, 45 min!! Who needs to see that?? 
2. Breathing/relaxation techniques. Like I said, it's good to be informed. So I totally appreciate being informed on all the different techniques you can use to make through each contraction. I will not slow dance in the hall during labor, but I will use some of those breathing things and probably take a bath/shower. (Granted saying I will not slow dance contradicts me saying don't plan, but there are some things that are just plain silly!) Again, I don't need a 50 min video on how to do these things. Just show me and have me practice. 
3. I was like the only person in class who probably have asked their doctors questions. People were having trouble w/ leg cramps, braxton-hicks, etc. The instructor asked us if we had questions. I felt silly being the only person not having any, but my doctor already answered those for me. 

I don't want to seem like I know it all, which I don't. I still have the "fear of the unknown", but I've been doing my best to ask questions and read up on all the things I am/will going through. Our classes did have some good info. I'm glad we did take them. One can only really use all the things they are talking about until you go through labor. We can watch video after video and read and read, but God is ultimately in control what will happen. His timing is perfect. Sophi will come the way God planned it to be. It doesn't matter if I sit on a birthing ball, take a bath, or have an epidural.. all that matters is that Sophi comes safely. It will be painful, confusing, and unplanned; but in the end, we will have our little Sophi. :) 


Ashley said...

45 days, WOW! this post made me relax about not taking the classes... people have been bugging me about it, but I guess I'm in the same mindset, what will happen will happen and we'll have our baby in the end! what's up with people not asking their doctors anything? that bugs me too.

The Roussets said...

You're gonna do great!! And I have to say, labor doesn't seem any less intimidating the 2nd time around...or the 3rd! It's just what it is. When Eve messed up, she messed it up for all of us women!!

Amber said...

O man you are so close! Thats exciting! I will say this no matter how good/bad labor/del. is you just are in the moment and you get through it.....your mom instincts will kick in and nothing else will matter! Good luck, try not to stress!
And post pics ASAP

The Porter Family said...

I'm excited to hear your birth story once it's all said and done! Isn't it crazy that God already knows how it's all gonna happen?! No fair.