Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm going to be brave

So we decided tonight is the big night. We are going to have Sophi sleep in her room, in her crib, for the first time. She has been sleeping at least 4-4 1/2 hrs. during the night and since that 6 week mark is approaching us, we decided that tonight we were going to try her in her room.
Early this evening we put her in her crib to see her reaction (she was awake, not asleep). She seemed to really like it and enjoyed looking around. We are starting this week to really watch for her drowsy clues and try to get her to sleep before she is overtired. Sophi has put herself back to sleep a couple times, but we are slowly going to work towards her falling asleep by herself.

I'm going to be brave. I'm not going to check to see if she is okay a million times. I'm not going to send Deric to check to see if she is okay a million times. I know her sounds. I will be okay. My baby will be okay. (Can you tell I'm trying to convince myself, not you?)

I'll let you know how it goes. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

I bet she'll do so great! Kaiden was so much older than Sophi when he was sleeping that long at a time. You have a great sleeper on your hands! Good luck tonight. :)

The Porter Family said...

Good Luck!!! I'm sure she is going to do just fine...and if not, you will just be going through this transition time for just a little while..keep that in mind!