Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy birthday Sophi!!

Well it's taken me almost a week, but here is the run-down of Sophi's 1st birthday!

First thing when she woke up, she got to have some of her gifts from Mommy and Daddy. She loves her new wagon!

We then headed off to Tot Spot (our church's playgroup). She had fun and her favorite part was getting the green balloon, which she calls "ball." (Pretty much anything round is a "ball" :) )

After having some lunch, we drove to Chandler to see my first friend, Allison, who was in town from Nebraska. She took our pictures over the summer and we had another photo shoot at her Grandparent's house. Once we get those pics in a couple weeks, I'll post some. The best shots (I predict) will be when we gave Sophi a cupcake in her diaper. It was so cute and funny!

Both Deric and I were so surprised during the day at Sophi's behavior. She slept the 45min. over to Chandler and that was it. She was so happy and didn't fuss at all!! It made it easy for pictures and for us to sit and visit with Allison.

Around 5pm we headed to meet my family for dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. Deric and I chose Logan's because it was the same restaurant we ate at the night before Sophi was born. We felt like we had to bring her back for some memories. (Although it was a different location, but same food). Sophi enjoyed eating bread (her current fav), carrots, chicken, and some mac 'n cheese.

With Gammy (the name my mom wanted to be called)
Practicing her writing with Grandpa
Uncle Josh (or Uncle Jim like he wants to be called-don't know why! ;) )
With Uncle Justin (Soon to be a married man!! )

After dinner we all saved room and headed for frozen yogurt. Reading Nienie's blog, she mentioned this new place Yodipity. Since it was right across the street, I had to try it. It was good. There were so many choices for toppings, I had a hard time choosing. In the end, I got vanilla, cakebatter, snickerdoodle, topped with cookie dough and hot fudge. Weird combo. The snickerdoodle was gross, but the rest was good.

Here is Sophi eating some of Grandpa's banana yogurt. She thought it was pretty good!

I can't believe Sophi is 1!
Daddy and his baby girl!

After yogurt we headed home. It was a fun and busy day! Sophi rode her wagon to her bedroom. We think she'd say it was a fabulous day! :)

I'll post about her party and other updates later.. time to get out of these pjs!


The Roussets said...

I've been waiting for you to post these pictures!! It looks like you guys had a great time! Happy first birthday, mom! Love you guys!!