Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thanks Krystle for tagging me!

What I've learned lately:

1. I really do like chocolate, no matter how much I avoid it.
2. 2 margaritas are two too many.
3. I can't please everyone.
4. It's okay to be angry with God sometimes.
5. I shouldn't doubt myself, it doesn't help.
6. Yoga isn't my strongest subject.
7. It's okay for friends to grow apart.
8. Next week I'm going to learn more things.
9. Life never goes how you have planned.
10. God's plan is bigger than what you have envisioned for yourself.


The Porter Family said...

I Love Love Love #2!!!! Did you have a bad experience or something?! He he!!! Thanks for doing that...i love learning about people...

Jessica and Deric MIller said...

It wasn't a bad experience, just comical.