Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Deric and I had such a blessed time with our family and each other this year. On Christmas Eve, Deric was busy at the church so I was lazy during the day. We enjoyed our evening by going to church then coming home and opening presents. I made beef stew and biscuits (which was so yummy since it was so cold outside). Deric and I both commented on how we enjoyed this Christmas just as much, even though we didn't spend a ton of money getting gifts for each other. I did, however, get a new Grinch for my collection and a great Disney Trivia game for our Wii. This game is very fun!!! 
Here is our traditional Christmas Eve picture under the tree. I didn't realize how big I am until we started taking pictures. I also didn't realize how badly I needed a tan too!!
On Christmas day Deric always wakes me up with singing a Christmas song by Five Iron Frenzy called, "You Gotta Get Up." It always makes me smile and I can't wait for Sophi to enjoy Deric's silly song! We then went over to my family's house. We are always so blessed with some many presents. We both felt very thankful. Deric enjoyed playing Guitar Hero Rock Band the entire day. He improved his skills in the drums and was very proud! 
Here are the pictures from there (minus Shelby):

My brother Justin and his girlfriend Michelle (she's officially one of us-she has a nickname-Mitsy Bitsy)

Our kitty Roxy. She's not doing well and will be seeing Jesus soon. :( 
This is her favorite place in the house to lay, right in the snow. :)
Deric and I then went to his family's house. We are exchanging gifts with the entire family next week since Deric's brother Joel, Susie and Maddy are visiting Susie's family, so we just ate a ton of food and played games. His family always makes a ton of jokes! His grandma was the highlight of the evening. Instead of using words while playing Catch Phrase, she'd act out the word. It was always a funny moment when it was her turn! 

The night ended with Deric and I watching Dr. Quinn in bed and thanking God for a wonderful Christmas. A few tears were shed of thankfulness. :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The search for the crib bedding

So I am very picky, maybe too picky. When I like something it is hard for me to find a substitute. So ever since we found out we were having a girl, well probably before that, I've been trying to find crib bedding that I like. I found one style from Pottery Barn, but I knew it would be rude of me to ask people to buy such expensive stuff, so I found a similar set but at Target. 

Deric and I registered for the set and all the cute things that match. It was a joyous time!
Then came yesterday...
I was bored so I was looking at our registry. I noticed all the crib set, etc. was clearanced! I know Target does this often, but come on! The bedding set was normally 59.99 and was marked down to 14.98!!! So I panic and have Deric hit up the closest Target to us. No luck. I wait and wait for Deric to come home so we can eat and hit up 2 other Targets. 
Deric finally makes it home and we go to one Target who kindly gives us a list of Targets that say they have 1 left. Deric and I get to the car and call to make sure these Targets have the item. 
Luckally we found a Target that had the bedding, but as Deric informed me, Target does not clearance their items all the same nor all at the same time. So this only Target within reasonable driving distance had the bedding I loved, but was still at regular price!!! 
Through many tears (I know it sounds silly to cry, but a) I'm pregnant and b) Remember I said I was picky?) we go and get the bedding. 
My heart can rest at ease that the crib bedding I searched for was found and I own one of the last ones in Phoenix. 
Everything else I can just coordinate with the bedding... I slept good that night. :)

Let's just pray Target doesn't come out with cuter bedding then the one I got!!! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Random thoughts

As I was laying in bed last night, trying to fall asleep (mostly because I couldn't breathe and I just drank a Dr. Pepper), I had some random thoughts I needed to blog about.

Here they are in no particular order:
1. I sure love Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. T.V. shows like this one just don't exist anymore.
2. I'm very glad Michelle won as the Biggest Loser. She was the only one with a good attitude. I think people were cheering that Vicki didn't win last night!! Did anyone else notice that Heba would have won if America voted for her? Her percantage was higher than Michelle's. I'm glad people voted correctly. :)
3. Could you believe what Amy (from the red team)looked like on the Biggest Loser? I just can't get over the fact how good she looks. She doesn't even look like the same person!! By the way, if Heba would have won, Amy would have won the 100,000. :)
4. The "Nesting" Period has begun in the Miller Household. Well, atleast for me. I have started doing project after project getting our house ready for Sophi. We still have boxes from our move that never got cleaned out, so my goal is to finish those by the New Year. I have Sophi's room almost ready to be cleared out and ready for paint. In the meantime, Deric's office is going through a transformation. We are making it organized!! We started a new filing system and shredded and shredded tons of papers we don't need. Besides all the organizing, I've been printing out all the pictures from our computer since we got married 2 1/2 years ago. I can't have a baby and be this far behind in my scrapbook!! I know those pictures will never get done once Sophi comes! I won't go into anymore boring details of the rest of my list. Let's just say it just keeps growing. :)
5. I'm still in awe that Christmas is next week. I seriously have NO shopping done. There are many reasons for that, but a big one is I have no clue what to get people. It seems the longer you know someone, the harder the gift giving becomes. There are only so many picture frames, body lotions, and gift cards one can give. 
6. Christmas is going to be so special this year for Deric and I. We aren't going all out and giving each other a ton of things like we have in the past. I'm really looking forward in spending time with him Christmas Eve,  just him and I. This is the last Christmas we will have together until our kids leave the house. The thought that our lives will be changed forever, in a good way, is something that makes want to savor each remaining moment. Christmas will no longer be 2 stockings, but 3.. maybe 4 (No plans to go over 4). What 3 joyous Christmas' Deric and I have spent gazing at each other under our tree. Deric continues to amaze me and no words can describe how much I love him. He has been such a rock in times of storms. Sometimes when he is acting so silly, I just smile and think, "How could I be so blessed?" God truly has given me the perfect match. I recently lost a childhood friend. He was not even married 2 months before he went to be with the Lord. At his funeral, his wife really spoke to my heart. I've only met her once before, but I could feel the deep hurt she is going through. She lost her best friend, and instead of celebrating their wedding, people were gathered for his funeral. She reminded me that people are so worried about what we have.. the perfect house, clothes, cars. We take so much for granted and don't treasure what it truly important. Each day, each moment needs to be not taken lightly. As I thought about what she was saying, it really hit me (not that I didn't know this before, but this time I was really listening) that I don't need 20 gifts nor have the best decorated house. I need to treasure the people, the moments. I'm blessed to have this be the 3rd married Christmas with Deric. My friend will never have that. It's not about the gifts that stress me out so much, it's about celebrating Jesus' birth and treasuring the memories with family and friends. *Okay, now I feel like I'm typing a sermon.. so I'll end those thoughts*  

Deric and I may have a Charlie Brown Christmas this year, but its certainly much more than that to me. Christmas is all in the heart. :)

Well I think I've rambled more than usual, so I will go. Unfortunately, blogger is giving me picture problems, so I can't post any now. 

OH!! I truly love playing Whooville-opoly. I was the Grinch and Deric was Max. 
I totally beat Deric in our 2 days game duel. I don't think I'd ever play regular Monopoly, its too boring.. :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Karilee inspired me!

Here are some random pictures of our Christmas decorations. Since it's our first Christmas in our house, it was fun having so much space to put things! 

Our tree has 1,900 lights on it! Deric took 3 days to put it together! He always does such a great job! My job is to help put on the ornaments after all the lights, ribbon, and beads are on. 

Friday, December 5, 2008

Sometimes I just need a reminder.. and really listen to it.