Monday, April 12, 2010

What's been going on?? Sophi now 13 months!

We've been going to the zoo!

Sophi is now a walker. Little steps between 2 places of interest. I can't believe it!!

Loving making the "VROOM" sound for the cars.

Here we are with my family at Easter.

Sophi had her first Easter egg hunt. She found all but 3 that morning, and found the rest the next day. The plastic eggs are her new favorite toy.

My Snuggle Bunny and I after a HOT Easter service.

Sophi playing with her palm branch we made for Palm Sunday.

Sophi has mastered her shape sorter. She has discovered they are the perfect size to whistle out of. :)

Sophi loves walking her baby stroller around the house.

Lovin' babies!

Sophi has become a pro-cup drinker. She nurses just 1 time/day. We are almost done!!