Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sophi is 2 months!

I can't believe how quickly time has gone. Sophi is changing everyday and we are so thankful for her! Here are some things about Sophi now that she is 2 months old:
*She weighs 10lbs 14oz (50% percentile)
*She's 23.5in long (87% percentile)
*She smiles A LOT!
*She sleeps at least 7 hours at night, then eats around 7, and goes back to sleep till about 10.
*She still eats every 2-3hrs.
*We are still trying to get her to take a bottle. She seems to forget how to suck once it's in her mouth. Deric has been great and has a ton of patience!
*Sophi LOVES LOVES LOVES to get her diaper changed. She goes crazy, kicking and smiling once she's put on the changing table. It's so funny!
*Sophi hates tummy time. She's doing well at occasionally picking up her head, but she'll do it once and then cry.
*Sophi continues to like car rides, her mobile, and sitting in her bouncer. Her new favorite thing is to lay in her Boppy. She enjoys a 5 min. cat-nap after each feeding then wakes up ready to play!
*Sophi LOVES to suck on her hands, but still hates the pacifier. We're okay with that.
*She also loves when someone plays "bicycle" with her legs. She gets VERY excited!
*Sophi continues to sleep swaddled and falls asleep with us bouncing her. She does not like the rocking chair, unless it's Grandpa rocking her. :)

Overall, Sophi is a VERY happy baby. We are very lucky. We are also glad she likes to sleep, b/c we like our sleep too!! Sophi received her first set of shots, and I was SO brave. I've never heard her cry that way before!