Friday, May 1, 2009

Stubborn Sophi

Now that Sophi has reached the 7 week mark, she is much more social. However, she is also much more stubborn when it comes to sleeping. She continues to do well sleeping at night.. 6-7hrs (one time 8!), it is never the same time of night, but at least she is sleeping that. She has decided the past couple days that she wants to fight her sleep. She'll fall asleep, but the moment we put her down, she's awake.
I've tried everything!! I keep rereading my book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" under Weeks 7-8 to see if I missed something. She is just stubborn!!
So yesterday I just let her cry. 5 minutes passed, still crying. I went in, bounced her a bit, then put her back. She started crying immediately. I left and waited 10 minutes. After 7 minutes she was asleep!! She cried a couple times in her sleep, but she slept for an hour.
While I'm typing this, I'm waiting the 5 minute stretch. She's not crying, but just wide awake in her crib sucking on her hands. Let me go check on her now... (brief pause while I get up to peak at her)
She's asleep!! However, her arms keep twitching and startling her. I will not go back a re-swaddle her!!
I don't know if this means we are going to have to let her fall asleep on her own now, everything I've read said she's too young, but she seems to do okay. WHO KNOWS???

Oh Karilee, you inspired me to clean my baseboards this week!! I did them all! I didn't get to the fridge/freezer, but my baseboards look great!! :)


The Porter Family said...

I wish I had some advice...but I'm not a momma! (yet)....Good luck Jessica!

Anonymous said...

Yay for the baseboards! LOL! :)

Kaiden's Dr. always told us that at 8 weeks or 12 lbs they should be able to self soothe, so it sounds like she's ahead of the game! Yay!!

Deric said...

Well I know she's not 12lbs, so she is ahead of the game! Crazy!!