Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Our house has WAY TOO MUCH cake!!

Cake decorating is hard! After my first class, my arms and hands were so sore. It really is a work out to decorate your cake all fancy!!
This class is very intense. You have to bring a cake each week frosted. You also have to bring a ton of supplies and 2lbs of buttercream frosting. It took me forever to frost my cake the professional way. I still didn't like it. I know I'm too hard on myself, but it looks so easy!!!
It took me awhile to get the hang of piping my border around the cake. Half-way I decided I didn't like it, so I made it shorter. We learned how to make stars, zigzags, write, and started the first step in making roses.
Here's my first cake. I hated it, but Deric said it was good for my first class!! The rainbow is made with piping gel. We learned how to transfer a pattern on a cake, avoiding free-handing it.
Next week I will learn how to pipe a clown on the top of my cake. Look for pictures!!