Monday, March 23, 2009

Sophi is here Part 2

Sophi is almost 2 weeks old! I cannot believe how fast time flies. I always have my days confused and the nights seem to be twice as long as the days. Sophi looks so big now! On Wed. I'll try to post here 2 week pic just so you can see the difference. My baby is growing too fast!!

Speaking of growing fast, man, does Sophi like to eat!! She weighed 6lb 11oz at birth and at her Dr. apt. 5 days after her birth she had already gained 6oz! We were surprised because most babies lose weight. It's been hard because I feel like all I do is feed her!! But I know it will quiet down...maybe soon at night! (one can only hope!)
Here are some things about Sophi:
1. She loves her hands. Her ultra sound pics match her perfectly. Her hands always have to be near her face, or in her mouth. She thinks her hands are food most of the time.
2. She likes to be swaddled only with her hands out of the blanket.
3. Her cry sounds like a little lamb.
4. Sophi does not like to sleep by herself. She does her best sleep (and her longest) when being held. When we do put her down, she will only sleep in her bouncer seat WITH vibration on. In order for her to sleep longer than 10 min, she must be totally asleep. If not, she's wide awake.
5. She loves baths.
6. Sophi loves leg massages.
7. Sophi loves to be bounced up and down in Deric's hands.
8. She loves car rides. If you come to a red light though, she gets very mad.
9. She likes her pacifier only if I'm holding her and my pointer finger is in the hole. I've tried other fingers, she doesn't approve. :)
10. I'm convinced she is always smiling at us. You may say it's gas, but both Deric and I really believe it's a smile/smirk.
11. She's always sleeping when guests come over. Her cranky moments are saved for Mommy and Daddy. (Unless you arrive at feeding time).

It's totally amazing how you can love someone so much. Now I understand why people just stare at babies. God is good. :)


The Porter Family said...

Aww..she is so cute :) What a little blessing. We are so happy for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Your blog title picture of Sophi is so cute! I love those little bows on girls.

Sophi is so beautiful. The more I see her, the more I think she looks like you!

Kaiden hated (and still hates) red lights. Matt and I always stop our car way back and then slowly move it forward until it turns green again. People probably think we are so weird!

When you are holding Sophi into the wee hours of the night begging God to put her to sleep, just remember that some day SOON she will sleep through the night and things will go back to normal. Ok, maybe not NORMAL, but at least you'll get more sleep than you are now! Until then, think happy thoughts. ;)