Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sophi is here

Sorry it's taken me SO long to write. I know you'll forgive me. I'm a walking zombie. I wanted to write my birthing story down so all you readers can know all the details of my 16 1/2 hour labor. Happy reading!!

My dr. scheduled me to be induced at 4am Wed. March 11th. He was going out-of-town the next week, so if I wanted him there to deliver Sophi, I had to go w/ this date. My dr. said she was healthy, so I was okay with being induced. Since I was still at 0 cm on Monday, I knew this labor thing would be long and hard.

Deric and I got 4 hours of sleep that night. We both were excited and didn't know what to expect, except we knew Sophi would arrive. By time I got checked in, given my room, got into my really cool hospital gown, it was 5am. Here's the play-by-play of my day:

3:30- my last meal
4-5am: check-in, etc
5: given pill to start labor. Nurse told me I was having contractions, but I didn't feel them.
5am-1:30pm: I hung out in the room w/ Deric. I sat on the birthing ball, rocked in the chair, did laps around the room w/ my IV tree. My contractions were more intense, had to start breathing through them. My friend Jan arrived around 10am. Took a nap. Really, really hungry.
1:30pm: Dr. Sawyer arrived to break my water. VERY VERY painful. Seriously, VERY painful!
2:00pm: Received epideral. Not as bad as I thought. Getting the cathader, again, VERY painful!
2pm-7:30pm: Could not get out of bed. Was positoned on my side and the nurse came to flip me every 30 min. So uncomfortable. Could not feel contractions, but the pressure of dialation was very intense.
7:30pm: At 3 cm. Dr. Sawyer went home.
8:00pm: Wanted to call in the towel. The pressure was so strong it was difficult to think about anything else. I believe I told Deric and Jan, "Cut her out!"
8:00-9:00pm.: The nurse returns to check me. I tell her I'm done (remember I haven't gotten up since 2, haven't eaten since 3am!) I just kept telling Deric and Jan that I had to go to the bathroom (#2).The nurse tells me that Sophi is ready to come, I can start pushing. It's not me having to go to the bathroom.They call Dr. Sawyer.
9:00pm.: I start pushing. They tell me to stop pushing b/c I'm doing too well. Seriously, God gave me the strength to push. 30 min. before that I would have past out, but suddenly this strength came over me. Only God could have given that!! They page another dr. worried that Dr. Sawyer won't make it in time.
9:00-9:24pm.: Dr. Sawyer arrives. I give a couple pushes. Again, totally God given strength!
9:25pm.: Sophi Jean Miller arrives!! It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen watching my baby girl be lifted up and plopped on my belly. I was in totaly shock. Deric says my first words were, "She has a good nose!"

After that long day I enjoyed a WONDERFUL Frosty and chicken nuggets. Life was good. :)

Well Sophi is hungry, so I'll have to write more later.


The Roussets said...

So excited she's here!! Can't wait to meet her!! Keep sending/posting pictures!!

Ashley said...

I can't wait to hear more. she is gorgeous!